Friday, June 17, 2011

Core Strength Exercise while Healing from Surgery....

My dear friend and body worker, Christine Fazio, suggested this mindful exercise to help me heal from my pelvic surgery I had last month. My surgery was on May 10th, 2011. I am plan to be back at work, July 1st.

I have been concerned about my ability to work my full load as my work is so" physical", I need my core strength.

Here is the exercise. I am certain my belly can do this at this stage of healing, I wanted to share it with you all.

This may help with bringing your core strength back.

Have you heard of the *clock* exercise?

You can do it lying on the floor or bed with your knees up and feet on the floor. You focus on your belly button being 12:00 and pubic bone being 6:00. To the right and left you choose which is 3:00 and 9:00. Now you have the clock image.

Focus on pulling your core in and down to 6:00 then 3:00, 12:00, and 9:00 slowly and gently. Clockwise two times and counter clockwise twice.

This is a mindful exercise so breathe and concentrate. It wakes up the deep core muscles and really helps strengthen your deep core. Most people have a hard time at first feeling 3:00 and 9::00.

Don’t worry, it will come in time. Simply doing this exercise daily (if you can) will begin to wake these core muscles up.

I suggest to touch your belly in these spots first to wake up the signal to your brain before you begin. Even massage for a few seconds will help them fire when you engage