Tuesday, January 4, 2011

boost your Immune System this time of year

Boosting Your Immune System
It is important to support your immune system at this time of year. The flu and cold season is starting, hits its peak in February and winds down in March. You can help protect yourself by taking certain vitamins, minerals and homeopathy.

Vitamin C:

Take a lot of Vitamin C as soon if you feel any symptoms, or if people around you are getting sick. Take 3000-5000mg three times a day. If you experience loose stools, decrease the amount until you stabilize.


It helps support your immune system and there is documentation that it speeds up your recovery time.

Ginseng (Panex Quinquefolium):

Groups taking Panex demonstrated a decrease in the number of colds and decreases recovery time by a third.


A homeopathic flu remedy that definitely helps speed your recovery.

Wellness formula:

Has Golden Seal and Echinachea

AND SLEEP!!!! It's the best medicine.

Here are basic habits to protect you and your family from spreading cold and flu germs:

  • Limit your exposure to people who are sick.
  • If you are sick, stay home from work to speed your recovery and decrease your exposure to others.
  • When you sneeze, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue, your inside elbow or your sleeve, NOT YOUR HAND. This decreases the spread of airborne germs.
  • Wash your hands frequently.
  • WASH YOUR HANDS FREQUENTLY! (did I mention????....)